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Garantías de Firma de Medallón: Previniendo la transferencia no autorizada de valores

Si usted tiene valores en forma de certificado físico y desea transferirlos o venderlos, necesitará firmar los certificados y poderes de valores – un documento legal, aparte de un certificado de…

General Obligation Bond

A municipal bond not secured by any assets; instead it is backed by the issuer's power to tax residents to pay bondholders.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) are accounting standards, conventions and rules. It is what companies use to measure their financial results. These results include net income as…

Going Private

A publicly held company generally means a company that has a class of securities that is registered with the SEC because those securities are widely held or traded on a national securities exchange.…

Good-Til-Cancelled Order

A Good-Til-Cancelled (GTC) order is an order to buy or sell a stock that lasts until the order is completed or canceled. Brokerage firms typically limit the length of time an investor can leave a GTC…


Greenwashing is the act of exaggerating the extent to which products or services take into account environmental and sustainability factors. Funds and advisers that engage in greenwashing may…