Researching Investments

Researching investments is part of an investor’s due diligence. Companies must provide certain information when they initially offer stocks or bonds for sale to the public. Companies and bond issuers must also must provide certain information to the public periodically. These disclosures provide investors with information to judge whether a particular security is a good investment. If a company is not registered with the SEC, it could be a red flag. Scams often involve unregistered companies.

Ask and Check - Research Investment Products and Professionals

Using EDGAR to Research Investments

Using EMMA - Researching Municipal Securities and 529 Plans

How to Read a 10-K

How to Read an 8-K

Insider Transactions and Forms 3, 4, and 5

How to Read a Mutual Fund Prospectus (Part 1 of 3:  Investment Objective, Strategies, and Risks); (Part 2 of 3: Fee Table and Performance); (Part 3 of 3:  Management, Shareholder Information, and Statement of Additional Information)

How to Read a Mutual Fund Shareholder Report

FINRA Fund Analyzer - The Fund Analyzer offers information and analysis on over 18,000 mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs).  This tool establishes the value of the funds and impact of fees and expenses on your investment and also allows you the ability to look up applicable fees and available discounts for funds.