Using BrokerCheck

Details on a broker’s background and qualifications are available for free on FINRA’s BrokerCheck website.

Using BrokerCheck, you can search for a brokerage firm or individual broker by name or registration number, and link to state regulators’ websites.

For individual brokers, BrokerCheck will tell you:

  • Where the broker works currently
  • The broker’s employment history for the past 10 years, in and outside the brokerage industry
  • What licenses the broker holds and where the broker is registered
  • The qualification exams the broker has passed

BrokerCheck also will tell you whether the broker has been:

  • Charged or convicted of any criminal felonies
  • Charged or convicted of any investment-related misdemeanors
  • Subject to any industry disciplinary actions or investigations by regulators
  • Involved in any investment-related civil actions or proceedings
  • Named in any consumer-initiated complaints, arbitration proceedings, or civil law suits
  • Cited for failing to pay judgments or liens
  • In bankruptcy proceedings
  • Terminated by an employer following allegations of misconduct or failing to supervise subordinates

FINRA Disciplinary Actions Online

In addition to BrokerCheck, FINRA has a separate database for viewing FINRA’s disciplinary actions against brokers.

You can search for cases and actions back to 2006 that are eligible for publication pursuant to FINRA Rule 8313 (Release of Disciplinary Complaints, Decisions and Other Information). You can search the FINRA Disciplinary Actions Online by individual name, firm name, case number, date range, document type, document text, or CRD number. Results will include opinions issued by the SEC and federal appellate courts that relate to FINRA disciplinary actions that have been appealed.